Today many options and choices like plastic furniture, fibreglass furniture etc have come up. But the craze for wooden furniture has still not gone down. Every home has got pieces of furniture made from wood or at least accented with wood. The speciality of wooden furniture is their natural element which brings warmth and versatility to virtually any interior design theme chosen. Wooden furniture is durable but to increase its shelf life and make it an asset one needs to take care of them properly. Here we present to you the best ways to keep your wooden furniture clean and maintain its good looks.
How Often to Clean Wooden Furniture:
In case of food and drink spills cleaning them right away is advisable. Because liquid spills especially tarnish the finish of the wood making it look cloudy and dark.
When it comes to dust, make sure you do not allow the dust to accumulate. Dusting should be done frequently or keep it for least once weekly to keep the dust build-up at a minimum. This can easily remove any particles on the surface that might scratch and damage your wooden furniture. Remember that dust can be abrasive. So make sure that you dust gently and beware of scratching the surface. Dusting when done regularly, cleaning becomes easier and simpler.
Beware:When it comes to antique furniture, weekly dusting is more than enough. Do not overdo as the value of the antique furniture will get reduced significantly taking away the organic finish.
Routine furniture cleaning at home, the how-tos:

Attend to the spills:
We take a lot of time searching for the best pieces from all top furniture showrooms. But we just need a little time every day to clean away food spills both solid and liquid. A paper towel or a nice soft cloth can be used to immediately blot away food spills or condensation from Frozen stuff. In case of sticky spills, use a slightly damp cloth and wipe away the mess. But immediately use need to use a dry microfiber cloth and buff the wood back to its old shine.
Dusting goes first:
A microfiber cloth, feather duster, or electrostatic duster can remove dust. If you have a dust allergy or in case you have highly sensitive to dust, do wear a dust mask and choose damp dusting instead of dry dusting. This can control the amount of dust flying in the air.
Pro-tip to keep furniture clean: After dusting, quickly use a soft cotton cloth to buff the surfaces. Clean the smudges, and restore the shine. Not to miss the furniture’s arms, legs and other wood supports!
Heavy Grime:
If the wood has been in storage or has been unattended to, for a long period of time, an ordinary damp dusting won’t work. You need to use some soft dish soap solution. Mix it with water, and using a sponge or some soft fabric clean the grime accumulated.
Pro-tip to keep furniture clean: 1 teaspoon of the solution in 2 quarters of water should work.
Treating scratches:
Any good polish once a month can fix minor scratches or nicks. Remember that too much polish or wax can make the surface of wood furniture dull and cloudy. As a safety measure, begin with the gentler method of deep cleaning using a tea solution, and if that doesn’t work, progress to stronger methods.
Best Ways for Deep Cleaning of Wood Furniture:
Whenever you buy furniture online, luxury furniture stores will give you detailed instructions as to how to take care of and clean your wooden furniture. For those who have missed them, we have below the basic methods of deep cleaning furniture.
Make Black Tea Solution:
Tea is said to contain tannic acid. This acid is strong enough to cut through any waxy accumulations on wood. Black tea works best. The ratio will be one bag brewed in one cup of hot water. Once the tea cools down, use a soft fabric, cotton balls, or swabs in the solution and wipe the surface. Make sure that the cloth is only slightly damp and not too soaked. You need to dry each cleaned section with another soft fabric to buff it to a shine.
Pro-tip to keep furniture clean: Begin from the top of the piece and give gentle strokes in the direction of the wooden grains.
Clean With Mineral Spirits:
A mineral spirit is nothing but a petroleum distillate that can very effectively remove waxy build-up. Make sure that you wear protective gloves and stuff before using the product and also choose to work in a well-ventilated space.
A small amount of the mineral spirit on some old rags can get the job done. Also, wipe along the direction of the wooden grains. Once the grime is completely removed from the wooden surface using a cleaner portion of the rag to give a buffing for the shine.

Other handy ways of deep cleaning strong stains:
Water rings: Allow a little bit of olive oil or mayonnaise to sit for one hour to see the marks vanish. Another method is to use some non-gel toothpaste on a soft fabric and rub away the water ring.
Ink Marks:
Rubbing the stain Using dry baking soda on a soft fabric gently is the trick. In case of any baking soda residue, clean with a wet cloth again.
Overuse of baking soda can dull the finish slightly, but a little bit of wooden polish can bring back the shine.
Mess by Stickers / Glue:
Scrap off the residue stuck to the wooden surface as much as possible gently using the edge of a credit card or plastic scraper. Then a dab of olive oil or mineral oil on a soft cloth is needed. Adding a finish with a little polish is advisable.
Fixing Mold or Mildew:
Mildew looks white or grey and dry, or powdery. But it always appears flat. On the other hand, mold is generally raised and can be green, blue, or black, slimy or fuzzy. With regard to mild dew, simple steps include simple dishwashing soap with water. Secondly dabbing household bleach. If still unclean then use your vacuum cleaner. The dusting or upholstery attachment will suction away the mold away.
Remember that good-quality solid wood furniture always has longevity. In spite of loose joints or scratches in the long run it is always cheaper to get them repaired than replaced. Resort to professional furniture repair services if you suspect your wooden furniture piece to be of an imported antique or crafted collectables. Moreover, repairing or reusing or upscaling is a step toward a sustainable future rather than discarding.